Thom: "Well, it was written for my little boy, which I decided to sort of say, be honest about, 'cause it's fairly obvious, I suppose. It's just a very personal song, I think. I mean, I got back into singing. But as to where they [the vocals] were placed a lot of the time, and how they sounded, I really left that up to Nigel. I think he was sort of enjoying the fact, that I was just singing normally and not complaining. So he could just get on with it. I think the band did an amazing thing with that, because I never thought we'd get it off the ground, because all the counting and the timing on it is really funny. I mean, I guess you can't hear it, Maybe people can't hear it, but it's just a total nightmare. And everyone's having to count all the way through. 'Ok, this one's 7, this one's 6, this one's 5, bla bla bla'. But it doesn't really sound like that, they made it sound really effortless. So I was really happy about that, I was really proud of that."
Phil: "It's a track that we'd had quite a bit of difficulty arranging, 'cause we can't count beyond 4. But it's just one of those things that.. over to you Colin, on that one."
Colin: "What my brother Jonny says about it is, there are two kinds of songs we were working on with Thom. There are the ones which are sort of alright, and you do something that's really good. And then there's the ones like 'Sail To The Moon', that, when you hear the demo of it, you could just put that on the record and everyone would swoon. And it's a real case of 'don't walk on the grass, don't step on the flowers' when you're playing it. So you really just try and like play as little as possible to get in the way with the tracks, cause it's such a delicate sort of thing, such a beautiful thing. And it's great. And of course it's got like great James Bond sort of Moonraker vibe to it. When they switch the gravity machine off in the studio and everyone's floating around."
Phil: "I mean, it's a stunning song. As with so much of this record, I think Thom's voice has really been outstanding, being a real feature. And on the CDs, that he distributed amongst us before we actually started rehearsing, I think that was one of the stand-out songs, really. I think it's quite a good indication of where his head was at during this recording. 'Cause I mean, to actually give those kinds of performances you need to be very relaxed and very confident in what you're doing."