On 'Black Swan' being edited for airplay:
Thom: "I'm one of these people who swear a lot naturally, so... Although I haven't sworn yet, that's interesting. I normally would have done by this point... I just don't don't... I've never seen it as an issue. I mean, it's part of... you know, the word 'fuck' is part of the English language and has been for hundreds of years. I think there are far more offensive uses of language used in the news media. Just this general mind-numbing goobledygook they make up. I think that should be censored. I think good old traditional swearwords are really not a problem. I swear a lot, so... what do I know.
'Black Swan' was the single, and they drop out the 'fuck', so... You know, I think that's funny. It sounds just... I mean, we did have quite a laugh for a couple of hours, me and Nigel, sort of putting trumpets in there and stuff. But it's like, you know, that's the song, you know. The song... 'this is fucked up', that's the line. I mean, you can't change it. It's like... you know, it's a sort of off-the-cuff remark you make one night when you've had too much to drink and you're talking to your friends about what's going on, you just say 'uh this is fucked up'. You know, it's what everybody says. Hang on, why does suddenly, when you're playing it on the radio... you can't say it. It doesn't make sense to me. The taxi driver will say it to you, you know. So why can't I say it?"
On why there's no video for 'Black Swan':
Thom: "Yeah, I'm not doing MTV at all. I'm quite proud of that actually. Not that they play me for shit, so it don't matter really. We figured there's no point, 'cause they're not gonna play it anyway. I might be wrong, but I don't think I am."