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Media Coverage :: Finland
Pablo Honey The Bends OK Computer Kid A Amnesiac Hail to the Thief In Rainbows The King of Limbs
Publication Publication Date Author/Interviewer/Host Interview Date
Rumba august 11th 1995 Jukka Väänänen - - - -
Rumba september 8th 1995 Jyrki Huotari - - - -
Rumba september 29th 2000 Pasi Kostiainen J prob. august 2000
Rumba january 19th 2001 - - - -
Rumba may 26th 2006 Aleksi Kinnunen - - - -
Rumba october 12th 2007 Samuli Knuuti - - - -
Rumba april 30th 2010 Aleksi Kinnunen - - - -
Seura 24/2003 june 13th 2003 Esa Koivio T
Publication Publication Date Author/Interviewer/Host Interview Date
Soundi october 1995 Dougie Gordon T prob. august 29th 1995
Soundi july 1997 Esa Koivio T prob. late may 1997
Soundi january/february 1998 David Sinclair T poss. oct./nov. 1997
Soundi october 2000 Dave Cavanagh [TJECP] ca. july/august 2000
Soundi january 2001 David Fricke T ca. october 11th-14th 2000
Soundi may 2001 Tero Alanko P ca. april 2001
Soundi may 2003 Tero Alanko P ca. april 2003
Soundi august 2006 Nick Kent T may 11th 2006
Soundi december 2007 Marcel Anders JC november 19th 2007
Soundi october 2008 - - - -
Sue july 2006