you're not so tough /
your need to be loved /
you roast in the desert /
a scorched earth /
your mind come loose /
the monster's back /
toward a mirage /
no words //
you're not so tough /
a whip, no crack /
a sudden switch /
a constant threat /
that you'll torch the place /
that plants are snakes /
with clip-on face /
no words //
you join the dots and you color in /
a road that's paved with good intentions //
you're not so tough /
and the jaw like force /
clings to joyless bones /
devoured by ants /
the slim pickings /
from click monkeys /
by their ropes we hang /
no words //
you join the dots and you color in /
a road that's paved with good intentions //
no words can express it //
and now you wanna bleed me dry /
and now you wanna bleed me dry /
no words
'No Words' was first played at the soundcheck for a show in Macerata, Italy on July 17th 2022: