Main Index Pablo Honey The Bends OK Computer Kid A Amnesiac Hail to the Thief The Eraser In Rainbows The King of Limbs Amok Tomorrow's Modern Boxes A Moon Shaped Pool Anima Thom Yorke Jonny Greenwood Ed O'Brien Colin Greenwood Philip Selway
In 1999, the following drawing appeared in the secret booklet which came with "Kid A":

Thom and Nigel played a work-in-progress version of the song during their DJ set at the AV Club in Los Angeles on April 27th 2012:
01. april 27th 2012 Transmission LA: AV Club Los Angeles, CA USA Link
Thom and Nigel premiered the finished version of 'Amok' during their short set at the Warm Up Festival held by MOMA PS1 on september 8th 2012:
02. september 8th 2012 MOMA PS1 Warm Up New York City USA Link
On December 4th, 2012, the official was revealed. A file called "amokloop.mp3" played in the background for the website.
The song was played live by Thom and Nigel during their Amok album launch DJ sets:
03. february 22nd 2013 Oval Space London UK Link
04. march 8th 2013 Berghain Berlin Germany Link
05. march 14th 2013 Le Poisson Rouge New York City USA Link
06. april 17th 2013 Razzmatazz Barcelona Spain Link
07. april 19th 2013 Gaîté Lyrique Paris France Link