Main Index Pablo Honey The Bends OK Computer Kid A Amnesiac Hail to the Thief In Rainbows The King of Limbs A Moon Shaped Pool Thom Yorke Jonny Greenwood Ed O'Brien Colin Greenwood Philip Selway
During the Kid A era, several lines that would end up in the song appeared on this page on, titled 'gladiamanothing':

lets see all the blue collared boot boys sweat+whine
police on hoorsback broken bones
we sit in the back while no-one drives
two headed monsters
three headed brides
nobody is free to do what they want
waited on hand and foot
the worlds best selling drug
comrades with mobile phones
the illegitimate bastard sons
crawling out from under stones
daddy daddy ive come home
a woman flutters her eyelashes in washington
and bombs rain down in sudan
women and children first
carry on smiling
and the world will smile with you
ill laugh my nuts off the day the banks collapse
im alright jack
the day the banks collapse
in bloody palestine
made in china
the amazing sound of the killing hordes
human time bomb
we want to see them beg for life
chop off the fingers in the pie
i want to see you smile again
the day the banks collapse
the puce synthetic voice that says were fine
limitless scenarios
limitless channels
on which to watch
who was right
and who was wrong.
who was right
and who was wrong.
who was right
and who was wrong.


Stanley met Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke back in college. The two brainstorm regularly. "We drink a lot and then argue," Stanley explains. "Kid A is a very agoraphobic record. The music makes shapes and colors that I tried to use… I like old paintings of battles where the armies look like jewels scattered on mud, but close up, they're performing a ballet of atrocity. The paintings were started during that horror in Bosnia."
'The Amazing Sounds of Orgy' was released as a b-side on the Pyramid Song single on may 21st 2001.
In spring 2001, around the time Amnesiac was released, the finished lyrics of the song appeared in the 'imaginery prisons' section of

i dlouv to see uyousmile again like dimyonds in th4e sdust. the amazing sound of the killing hoardes the day the banks collapsed onus.
cease thjis enldess chATTERING, LIKE AEVREVERYHTING IS FINE. WHIN SOORY IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH sit in th eback while no

A processed backwards sample of a part of the track appeared in Episode 1 of and was released on The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Of All Time:
Q: "When I first heard the line: 'The amazing sounds of orgy', I thought, 'What was he thinking?!'"

Thom: [laughs] "Fuckin' right. Did it make you think of sex when you first heard it? No? Well, that's the thing: 'orgy' can refer to a number of things. An orgy of sound, an orgy of light. An orgy of violence. An orgy of gluttony."

Q: "An orgy of sobriety…"

Thom: "Fuck, now you're messing with my head, you're just trying to make me feel guilty about drinking. Wait, I'm trying to remember what the lyric was. 'The day the banks collapse…' I kept writing that again and again… 'The amazing sounds of the killing hordes…' So it was more of an orgy of violence. It was politics... and it's not politics... I don't know, man, that's what goes on inside my head. And I won't lose sleep about that anymore, because it obviously benefits the music. Thank God."
In 2006, this piece of artwork appeared in the Dead Children Playing book that accompanied the exhibition of artwork that Stanley held at Iguapop Gallery in Barcelona (click image for full size):

W.A.S.T.E. sold a long sleeve t-shirt, that makes use of the above artwork (click image for full size):

On March 5th 2012, the band played the song for the first time ever in Texas:
Live performances #1 to #6 during the touring for The King of Limbs:
'The Amazing Sounds of Orgy' was not performed during the second half of touring for The King of Limbs.