Some sounds used in this track, which was probably created during two weeks of experimental sessions in early 2000, were taken from the version of 'True Love Waits', that the band had recorded during the OK Computer sessions in 1996. The session track in question, called 'True Love Tape Loop', was released in 2017 on the cassette that was part of the OKNOTOK 20th anniversary release of OK Computer:
The track was built from this and other loops. Similar to the recording of 'Kid A', Thom then didn't sing the lyrics, but just recited them. His voice was manipulated using AutoTune, a program mainly used to correct the pitch of vocal performances. It was given a key and then searched for appropriate tones in Thom's talking and thus created a sort of melody.
Originally, this song was another attempt at recording 'True Love Waits'. This version was assembled from stems inside the files of the KID A MNESIA Exhibition.