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The phrase "alligators in new york sewers" appeared in a piece of paper from the OK Computer era:
The lyrics appeared in this page of the Kid A era version of, titled 'self explanatory':

slight faults nothing to concern investors

alligators in new york.
thers a little child
running round this house
and he nevr leaves
he will nevr leave
and the fog comes up from the sewers
and glows in the dark. baby alligators in the sewers grow up fast
grow up fast
anything you want it can be done how?
how did you go bad?
did you go bad?
did you go bad? somethings will never wash away
did you go bad?
did you go bad?
(top centre) (above,) "
The song was premiered by Thom in Israel on July 9th 2000 and was announced as being titled 'Alligators In New York Sewers':
The finished lyrics of the song appeared in the 'imaginery prisons' section of at the time Amnesiac was released in spring 2001:

theres a little child
running round this house
and he never leaves
he will never leave
and the fog comes up from the sewers
and glows in the dark

baby alligators in the sewers
grow up fast
grow up fast
anything you want it can be done
how did you go bad?
did you go bad?
did you go bad?
some things will never wash away
did you go bad?
did you go bad?

'Fog' was released as a b-side on the Knives Out single on august 6th 2001.
  2002 Iberian tour july 2002 august 2002
Knives Out [3] 31 05 07
Fog [1] 07
Go to Sleep [3] 23 24 27
  Hail to the Thief tour (1st half) may 2003 june 2003 july 2003 august 2003
Knives Out [1] 24
Go to Sleep [34] 17 18 19 21 22 24 25 05 07 13 20 26 28 04 05 08 09 11 12 14 16 02 03 13 15 18 20 21 23 24 26 28 30 31
Fog [1] 12
Thom's july 3rd 2003 solo piano live performance of 'Fog' was released as a b-side on the Go to Sleep single on august 18th 2003 under the title "Fog (Again)".
  Hail to the Thief tour (2nd half) sept. 2003 october 2003 november 2003 dec. 2003 april/may 2004
Knives Out [1] 02
Go to Sleep [30] 23 25 26 28 01 02 04 06 09 10 15 10 13 15 17 19 22 24 26 27 30 01 03 04 15 17 18 23 24 26
Fog [1] 29
During the In Rainbows tour in 2008, 'Cymbal Rush' was one of three songs that Thom would play on his own at the piano to open the second (and sometimes the first) encore:
  In Rainbows tour june 2008 july 2008 august 2008 october 2008
Knives Out [2] 02 05
Fog [1] 02
Cymbal Rush [11] 15 24 06 08 08 13 25 28 02 04 08
Super Collider [4] 06 07 10 01
During the initial touring for the "Atoms For Peace" project, the song was played once during Thom's solo acoustic section as one of six previously released Radiohead songs:
A different arrangement of the song was released on the KID A MNESIA reissue compilation as 'Fog (Again Again)'.